混合溶液中的吸附 I.盐酸-醋酸、醋酸-草酸、盐酸-草酸的吸附

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在此工作中我們研究了三種混合酸的吸附。在鹽酸-酸的體系中,鹽酸增加糖炭對於草酸的吸附量,倘若草酸的濃度超過0.005N。這個事實否定了在混合酸中各溶質間的作用是彼此頂替的說法。在醋酸-草酸及醋酸-鹽酸的混合溶液中,各酸的吸附量皆較其單獨存在時低。根據實驗的數據我們指出了各家說法的可疑之點。我們認為在混合溶液中吸附量之減少主要是因為溶質甲頂替了表面上的溶劑,因而使溶質乙的吸附量降低。若是溶質甲能使溶質乙的電離度或溶度降低,或增加溶質乙的Gegen-ion,則能使乙的吸附量增加。因為Langmuir式的混合吸附公式不能代表吸附之增加,我們提出了一個可以此較滿意的代表實驗結果的三常數經驗公式。各溶質的吸附量皆成直線關係。對此結果我們不能作定量的解釋,雖然此種現象與我們的假設並不矛盾。 In this work we investigated the adsorption of three mixed acids. In a hydrochloric acid-acid system, hydrochloric acid increases the amount of sugar carbon adsorbed to oxalic acid, provided that the oxalic acid concentration exceeds 0.005N. This fact deny that the role of each solute in the mixed acid is to replace each other. In the mixed solution of acetic acid - oxalic acid and acetic acid - hydrochloric acid, the adsorption amount of each acid is lower than when it is alone. According to the experimental data, we point out the suspicious points of each statement. We believe that the decrease in the amount of adsorption in the mixed solution is mainly due to the fact that solute A displaces the solvent on the surface and thus reduces the amount of solute B adsorbed. If solute A solute B can make the degree of ionization or solubility decreased, or increase the solute B Gegen-ion, then the B can increase the amount of adsorption. Because the Langmuir-style mixed adsorption equation does not represent an increase in adsorption, we propose a three-constant empirical formula that gives a more satisfactory representation of experimental results. The amount of solute adsorption are all in a linear relationship. We can not give a quantitative explanation of this result, although this phenomenon does not contradict our hypothesis.
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