郑州大学图书馆河南文献中心经过 10余年的辛勤搜集 ,以其丰富的地方史志收藏基础 ,建立了河南文献网站 ,起到了良好的效果。通过网站建设 ,进而提出 :1 方志工作需要面向更广大的用户、面向世界、面向现代化 ;2 方志“存史、资政、教化”传统功能需要重新认识 ;3 方志工作比以往任何时候都需要电子化和网络化 ;4 地方史志机构的人才是决定今后方志功能转变的决定因素。
After more than 10 years’ hardworking and collection, Henan Literature Center of Zhengzhou University Library established Henan literature website with its rich collection of local history records, and achieved good results. Through the construction of the website, it is further proposed that: 1 the work of local chronicles need to be aimed at a wider range of users, facing the world and facing the modernization; 2 the traditional functions of “preserving history, funding, education and education” need to be re-recognized; 3 the work of local chronicles requires electronic than ever And networking; 4 the talent of local historians is the decisive factor that determines the future function of local chronicles.