为发展高效生态农业,近年来,浙江省遂昌县在农作制度创新上进行了一系列有益的探索,取得了明显成效。本县三仁畲族乡位于遂昌县城西郊,交通便利,是国家级环境优美乡镇和省级生态示范乡,全乡共有耕地面积7 681亩,从2014年开始示范推广春播四季豆—秋播四季豆—冬油菜高效种植模式,2015年实施面积达到450亩。一般春播四季豆平均亩产1 520 kg、产值5 472元,秋播四季豆平均亩产
In order to develop efficient eco-agriculture, a series of beneficial explorations have been carried out in Suichang County, Zhejiang Province, in recent years, and remarkable achievements have been achieved. The county Sanren Shezu Township is located in the western suburbs of Suichang County, convenient transportation, is a beautiful state-level township and provincial eco-demonstration Township, the township, a total area of 7 681 acres of arable land, starting from 2014 demonstration Spring Soybeans - autumn sowing Green beans - winter rape efficient planting mode, the implementation area of 450 acres in 2015. Spring average yield of green beans average 1 520 kg, the output value of 5 472 yuan, autumn sowed average yield of beans per mu