随着中国经济实力和国际地位的日益提升,我们也迎来了塑造全新中国国家形象的战略机遇期,如何塑造中国国家形象,采取什么样的战略,是摆在面前的突出问题。进入2 1世纪,国际形势复杂多变,中国国家形象的塑造面临着前所未有的挑战。维护中国国家利益、塑造中国国家形象显得比以往任何时候都重要、都紧迫,可以说挑战与机遇并存。刘艳房教授的《全球化背景下的中国国家形象战
With the continuous improvement of China’s economic strength and international status, we have also ushered in a strategic opportunity to shape the new China’s national image. It is an outstanding issue before us how to shape the image of China and what strategy we should adopt. Into the 21st century, the international situation is complicated and changeable, shaping China’s national image is facing unprecedented challenges. It is more urgent and more urgent than ever to safeguard China’s national interests and shape China’s national image. It can be said that both challenges and opportunities coexist. Professor Liu Yanfang’s “China National Image War in the Context of Globalization.”