一、发生危害 小麦吸浆虫(包括红、黄两种),是我省危害小麦的主要害虫。该虫以幼虫在小麦灌浆期危害麦粒,造成秕粒。一般减产1—2成,重者达3—4成。近几年来,由于耕作制度、栽培方式以及小麦品种的变化,我省小麦吸浆虫明显回升,其发生面积不断扩大,虫口密度急剧增加,危害程度逐年加重。据省植保站1994年初步统计,全省发生面积已达2000多万亩,其中严重的面积达1700多万亩,已成为影响小麦高产、优质、高效的障碍因素之一。 二、发生规律 小麦吸浆虫在我省一年发生一代,越冬后的幼虫于
First, the occurrence of harm Midi (including red and yellow), is the main pest endanger the wheat in our province. The worm to larvae during wheat grain damage endosperm, resulting in tablets. General cut 1-2 into, heavy up to 3-4 into. In recent years, due to the tillage system, cultivation methods and varieties of wheat changes, the province of wheat midge apparently picked up, the area of its occurrence has been expanding, the population density increased sharply, the degree of harm increased year by year. According to the preliminary statistics of the provincial plant protection station in 1994, the area of the province has reached more than 20 million mu, of which over 1700 mu are serious. It has become one of the obstacle factors affecting high yield, high quality and high efficiency of wheat. Second, the occurrence of law Wheat midge in one year in our province, overwintering larvae