
来源 :天津水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodemeng111
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近年来,由于虾病的广泛流行,海水养虾业受到严重影响。为了摸索新的养虾模式和方法,一些省市开展了淡水养殖南美白对虾的试验,并获得了成功,为海水虾类的养殖开辟了一条新的途径,并为淡水养殖增添了新品种。从理论上说,海虾淡养是根据某些海水虾类广盐性的生活习性,将海水虾类经淡化后放入淡水中进行养殖的一种方法。但是,海水虾类进行淡水养殖是一新模式,技术含量高,并不是在任何淡水养殖条件下都能获得成功,成功的关键取决于当地的养殖环境和技术条件。根据我市的养殖环境和具备的技术条件,我们进行 In recent years, due to the widespread epidemic of shrimp disease, seawater shrimp industry has been severely affected. In order to explore new modes and methods of shrimp cultivation, some provinces and cities conducted experiments on freshwater aquaculture of P. vannamei, and succeeded in opening up a new way for the cultivation of seawater shrimp and adding new varieties to freshwater aquaculture. In theory, shrimp feeding is a method of breeding seawater shrimp into freshwater for desalination, based on the broad-salt living habits of some seawater shrimp. However, freshwater aquaculture of seawater shrimp is a new model with high technical content and is not a success in any freshwater aquaculture. The key to success depends on the local aquaculture environment and technical conditions. According to the city’s farming environment and have the technical conditions, we proceed