一、我局广大革命职工,在毛主席“鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义”总路线光辉指引下,高举《鞍钢宪法》伟大红旗,为进一步挖掘蒸汽机车潜力,发展新技术,降低检修成本,解放工厂的生产能力,提早实现动力革命,以适应国民经济发展和战备对铁路运输的需要,大搞炉外软水,试制成功了移动床离子交換水处理设备,并建成了一批软水所,这是无产阶级文化大革命煥发出来的物质力量,(?)毛泽东思想的丰硕成果,是毛主席无产阶级革命路线的伟大胜利。 1965年8月部哈尔滨机务会议以后,我局提出了“为实现动力革命狠抓一软(即软水)一硬(即金属表面硬化)”的战斗口号,为了赶超世界先进水平,和帝修反抢时间,爭水平,当即在某机务段选择了一台机车进行了车上软水试验。并于1965年11月11日,组成技术工作组,在某机务段进行了移动床离子交換树脂软水试
I. The vast majority of revolutionary workers in our bureau hold high the great red banner of the “Anshan Iron and Steel” Constitution under the brilliant guidance of Chairman Mao’s general line of “building a socialist society with more energy, faster and better economy”. In order to further tap the potential of steam locomotives and develop new technologies , Reduce maintenance costs, liberate the factory’s production capacity, early realization of the power revolution, in order to adapt to the national economic development and combat readiness needs of rail transport, engage in soft water outside the furnace, the trial success of the mobile bed ion exchange water treatment equipment, and built a This is the material power emanating from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. (?) The fruitful achievements of Mao Zedong Thought are the great victories of Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line. After the Harbin Conference on Machinery held in August 1965, the bureau put forward the battle slogan “To Pay Close Attention to a Soft (ie, Soft Water) Hardness to Achieve a Power Revolution” (ie, metal surface hardening). In order to catch up with and surpass the advanced world standards, Anti-grab time, fight the level, immediately selected a locomotive in a locomotive soft water car test. And in November 11, 1965, formed a technical working group, carried out in a locomotive depot moving bed ion exchange resin soft water test