花生云纹斑病是我国花生生产上的一种新病害。经鉴定,其病原菌是一种真菌,属于半知菌亚门、球亮孢目、壳二孢属(Ascochyta sp.)。接种试验表明,该菌主要为害花生叶片,其次为害叶柄和托叶,而茎和荚果不发病;该菌不为害大豆、赤小豆、豌豆、蚕豆和菜豆。病菌以分生孢子器形态在病叶内越冬;翌年六月下旬~七月上旬从植株底部叶片开始发病,七月下旬~八月上旬形成子实体,借风雨传播进行重复侵染。病害流行与八月份降雨量有关。花生品种间存在着抗性差异。
Peanut cloud leaf spot is a new disease in peanut production in China. It has been identified that the pathogen is a fungus belonging to the family Aconitum, Gloeosporium, Ascochyta sp. Inoculation tests showed that the fungus mainly pests the leaves of peanut, followed by petioles and stipules, but not the stems and pods; the fungus does not harm soybean, adzuki bean, pea, broad bean and bean. Bacteria in the form of conidia overwintering in diseased leaves; the following year from late June to early July beginning from the bottom of the plant leaves, from late July to early August to form fruiting bodies, spread by repeated transmission of wind and rain. Disease prevalence and rainfall in August. There are differences in resistance among peanut varieties.