Using multi-contact pre-compression element of the drilling deformation method of stress measurement can measure the displacement of more points on the hole wall displacement, which can be used to reduce the accidental error adjustment to reach the maximum value of stress and direction Good value. In this paper, the mechanical action of this kind of element in absolute stress measurement and relative stress measurement is discussed. The basic relation between the displacement vector and the element output vector of the contact point of the hole wall is derived and the relationship between them is also derived. This article is the literature [2] promotion of the work. When the distance between contact points becomes larger and the interaction between contact pressure weakens, the limit case derived from the basic relation of this paper is consistent with [2]. This paper further clarifies the simplified premise of the formula used in the actual work than the literature [2]. At the end of the article, some problems that need to be solved to determine the in-situ stress accurately with multi-contact elements are pointed out.