金秋十月,一个丰收的季节。35岁的农民曹嗣华望着这片座落在赣州市章贡区水西镇黄沙村105国道旁紫色页岩荒坡中生机盎然的果园和柚树上缀满一个个金黄色的沙田柚时,那张被太阳晒成古铜色和因多年辛苦而渐渐布满皱纹的脸上,终于露出了欣慰的笑容。是呀!这可是凝聚了一家人四年艰辛汗水的果实,是艰难创业的回报。 (一) 提起曹嗣华,其实并没有什么特别,一个消瘦高个的青年农民,脸上是长期野外工作留下的黑与皱纹。而说到在紫色页岩山上
Autumn October, a bumper season. Cao Sihua, a 35-year-old peasant, is looking at the vibrant orchards and pomelo trees in the purple shale rocky slopes next to the 105th country road in Huangsha Village, Shuihe Town, Zhanggong District, Ganzhou. , That piece of the bronze sun and the sun due to years of hard and gradually wrinkled face, finally revealed a happy smile. Yes, this is the result of a hard business that brings together the fruits of a family’s four-year hard sweat. (A) mention Cao Sihua, in fact, nothing special, a tall and thin young farmers, his face is the long-term field work left behind by the black and wrinkles. Speaking of purple shale hill