Sphericities of non-spherical objects

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leonmalay
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Sphericity, as one of the most important shape parameter for non-spherical objects, is extensively applied in evaluating the porosity or packing density of particles. In this paper, the sphericities of common non- spherical objects are deduced and investigated. Maximum sphericities and optimum shapes of these objects are presented as well. A decreasing order of sphericity from sphere (1.0) to regular tetrahedron (0.671) for objects with constant sphericity is given. Similar trends are found in most sphericity-aspect ratio relationships, which exhibit single peak and the sphericity increases with the growth of aspect ratio before the peak point and decreases afterward. The peak loci of aspect ratio are all around 1.0 which makes the shape approaching to a sphere. The information in the paper could be useful as literature for general application. Sphericity, as one of the most important shape shape parameters for non-spherical objects, is extensively applied in evaluating the porosity or packing density of particles. In this paper, the sphericities of common non- spherical objects are deduced and investigated. Maximum sphericities and optimum shapes of these objects are presented as well. A decreasing order of sphericity from sphere (1.0) to regular tetrahedron (0.671) for objects with constant sphericity is given. Similar trends are found in most sphericity-aspect ratio relationships, which exhibit single peak and the sphericity increases with the growth of aspect ratio before the peak point and decreases afterward. The peak loci of aspect ratio are all around 1.0 which makes the shape approaching to a sphere. The information in the paper could be useful as literature for general application.
患者××× ,女 ,73岁 ,住江西省宜丰县双峰乡骆家槽村。患者于 1997年 3月起 ,感尿频、尿急、尿痛 ,1999年 6月起尿痛症状加重 ,曾在当地卫生院以尿路感染治疗 ,病情无缓解
DIC多发于妇产科疾病,因其发病骤急,死亡率高,为妇产科一个严重并发症。我院成功抢救一例DIC为胎死宫内钳刮后所致。现作临床总结如下。1 病例介绍  患者27岁,孕2产1育1,
重度妊高征是产妇及围产儿死亡的主要原因〔1〕。我院在治疗上除用硫酸镁解痉、扩容、降压等方法外 ,及时终止妊娠作为重要的治疗措施。现对本院收住的 50例重度妊高征终止妊
本院自 1992年 4月在妇产科手术中采用腹部横切口已逾 2 0 5例 ,效果良好 ,现报告如下 :1 临床资料  收集病例 2 0 5例 ,含子宫下段剖宫产、腹式子宫全切术、子宫次全切 ,
抗心律失常药物引起心律失常在临床上表现形式有二种,即缓慢型心律失常和快速型心律失常。 1.缓慢型心律失常 包括窦性心动过缓,窦房阻滞、窦性静止、房室传导导阻滞等。抗