为证实保山地区有无肺吸虫病的自然疫源地以及人群感染情况 ,我站寄防科在 3个县进行了抽样调查。结果在昌宁县更戛乡的溪蟹中查出肺吸虫囊蚴。为进一步核实其自然疫源地的存在及确定虫种 ,又对此地进行了流行病学调查及肺吸虫动物感染实验。现报道如下。实验区概况更戛乡位于
In order to confirm the natural foci of paragonimiasis in Baoshan area and the population infection, we conducted a sample survey in three counties in the Department of Preventive Medicine. As a result, Paragonimus spp. Was found in more crabs in Changning County. In order to further verify the existence of natural foci and determine the species of insects, epidemiological investigation and infection of paragonimiasis were carried out in this area. Report as follows now. The survey area is more located in Hom