
来源 :思茅师专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tutu321
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《古诗十九首》是汉代五言诗的代表作,是五言诗成熟的标志,对后代诗歌创作很有影响。这十九首诗,语言工整,精炼。无论用字、遣词、造句,都可以看出作者在语言方面的深厚造诣和独具匠心。其中最具代表性的就是迭字的运用。这些诗在迭宇运用上显示了高超的语言艺术。任何发展、创新,离不开继承。它的作者特别善于向民间文学学习,它的经验告诉我们:吸取民歌中的营养,是诗歌发展的重要条件。 “Nineteen Ancient Poems” is a masterpiece of five-character poems in the Han Dynasty. It is a symbol of the maturity of five-character poems and has an impact on the poetry writing of future generations. The nineteen poems, neat and refined. Regardless of the word, the words, sentences, can be seen in the language of the author’s profound attainments and originality. One of the most representative is the use of word Diego. These poems show a superb language of art in the use of Diego. Any development, innovation, can not be separated from succession. Its author is particularly good at learning from folk literature. Its experience tells us that absorbing the nutrition in folk songs is an important condition for the development of poetry.
自上世纪80年代初《妇女生活》创刊以来,我从一个积极推销者到一个热心读者,亲历了这本杂志逐步为广大读者所接受并成为读者良师益友的过程。可以说,《妇女生活》伴随我度过了30年。  《妇女生活》创刊之初,我在一个地区妇联负责宣传工作。当年,每期杂志出版后都要各地区妇联自己派人到郑州拉书,这无疑是我义不容辞的一项工作。因当时妇联经济不独立,没车,每月都要去找卡车。地委机关倒是有一辆卡车,但机关事务千头万