引黄济青工程各闸站用的启闭机都是1988年出厂的,当时制造比较粗糙,安装也不标准,加之运行多年,运行过程中噪音大、震动大、漏渗油等现象比较严重。为了解决这些问题,按以下步骤对启闭机进行了系统地维修调整和改进。1 调整启闭机主副机联轴器的同 轴度1.1 调整底座的垂直度。将闸门落到离闸底3~5cm的位置停下,然后用千斤顶顶起电动机下部的底座,将传动轴拆下,再将两端的十字滑块都取下,用一根长100cm的铝管式水平尺用木工卡子固定在联轴器的端面上,呈垂直状态,然后看水平尺内的小气泡是否在正中央,
The project of opening and closing the gates of Jizhong Jiqing project are all manufactured in 1988, when manufacturing was relatively rough, the installation was not standard, coupled with many years of operation, noise during operation, large vibration, leakage of oil and other phenomena were more serious. In order to solve these problems, follow the following steps on the hoist carried out a systematic maintenance adjustments and improvements. 1 to adjust hoist main and auxiliary coupling coaxial 1.1 adjust the base of the verticality. The gate fell 3 ~ 5cm from the bottom of the stop position, and then use the jack jack up the base of the motor, the drive shaft removed, and then both ends of the cross slide are removed, with a long 100cm aluminum tube Horizontal scale with carpentry clip fixed on the end face of the coupling, was vertical, and then see the level of the small bubbles in the middle,