本文以我国大型商业银行为主要研究对象,分别应用PaneIData模型、随机前沿分析(SFA)和因子分析,考察了2003-2008年引进少数外资控股权对银行盈利能力、经营效率和公司治理的影响.结果显示,战略引资对银行盈利能力发挥了积极的作用,但对其利润效率和有效放贷效率均没有显著影响,与公司治理水平的排名也不存在必然的因果关系.对于采用引资上市模式的四家国控银行,利润效率有超越非国控银行的趋势,有效放贷效率在逐渐缩小与非国控银行的差距,公司治理水平也排名前列,证明了引资上市的综合积极效应.“,”This paper applies panel data model, stochastic frontier analysis and factor analysis to investigate respectively the effects of minority foreign ownership on banks' profitability, efficiency and corporation governance during the period of 2003-2008. Empirical results suggest that foreign strategic investments have posi- tive effect on bank's profitability of China, while does not have distinct influence on bank's efficiency and also does not have causality with the rank of corporation governance. But there are notable improvements of state - owned banks from reforms that increase the role of foreign ownership and go public, which provides a feasible pattern for the reform of other banks of China.