基础上又上了一个新台阶。他们在工作中主要抓了如下几个方面: 1.核准文化档案,制定扫盲规划。以第四次全国人口普查数据为依据,把15—40周岁农民的文化状况抄录下来,列出青壮年文盲的名单。市政府据此制定出扫盲规划,下达扫盲任务。今年市里计划要求要组织10312人入学,年底要脱盲8830人。各乡镇接到任务后,立即依据核准后的文盲名单,把扫盲任务落实到村。2.协同部门动作,实现齐抓共管。他们组建了由市委宣传部、文教局、广播电视局、农业局、团市委、市妇联、市科协负责人和有关人员参加的扫盲领导机构,使扫盲工作有了协调机制。各乡镇也相应的成立了扫盲
On the basis of a new level. In their work, they mainly focus on the following aspects: 1. Approve cultural archives and formulate literacy programs. Based on the data of the Fourth National Census, the cultural status of peasants aged 15-40 years old is copied and the list of illiterate young adults is listed. The municipal government accordingly formulated a plan for literacy and issued a literacy mission. This year the city plans to require enrollment of 10,312 people, to end the year to 8830 people out of blind. Upon receipt of their respective tasks, all townships implemented the literacy task to the village on the basis of the approved list of illiterates. 2. Collaborative department actions to achieve concerted efforts. They set up a literacy leadership body with the participation of the Party Propaganda Department, Culture and Education Bureau, the Radio and Television Bureau, the Agriculture Bureau, the Communist Youth League, the Municipal Women’s Federation, the Municipal Science and Technology Association, and other relevant personnel, so that there is a coordination mechanism for literacy work. The township also set up a corresponding literacy