Robust adaptive control for a nonholonomic mobile robot with unknown parameters

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:teddycici
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A robust adaptive controller for a nonholonomic mobile robot with unknown kinematic and dynamic parameters is proposed.A kinematic controller whose output is the input of the relevant dynamic controller is provided by using the concept of backstepping.An adaptive algorithm is developed in the kinematic controller to approximate the unknown kinematic parameters,and a simple single-layer neural network is used to express the highly nonlinear robot dynamics in terms of the known and unknown parameters.In order to attenuate the effects of the uncertainties and disturbances on tracking performance,a sliding mode control term is added to the dynamic controller.In the deterministic design of feedback controllers for the uncertain dynamic systems,upper bounds on the norm of the uncertainties are an important clue to guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system.However,sometimes these upper bounds may not be easily obtained because of the complexity of the structure of the uncertainties.Thereby,simple adaptation laws are proposed to approximate upper bounds on the norm of the uncertainties to address this problem.The stability of the proposed control system is shown through the Lyapunov method.Lastly,a design example for a mobile robot with two actuated wheels is provided and the feasibility of the controller is demonstrated by numerical simulations. A robust adaptive controller for a nonholonomic mobile robot with unknown kinematic and dynamic parameters is proposed. A kinematic controller whose output is the input of the relevant dynamic controller is provided by using the concept of backstepping. An adaptive algorithm is developed in the kinematic controller to approximate the unknown kinematic parameters, and a simple single-layer neural network is used to express the highly nonlinear robot dynamics in terms of the known and unknown parameters. In order to attenuate the effects of the uncertainties and disturbances on tracking performance, a sliding mode control term is added to the dynamic controller. In the deterministic design of feedback controllers for the uncertain dynamic systems, upper bounds on the norm of the uncertainties are an important clue to guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system. bounds may not be easily because because of complexity of the structure of the uncertainties.Th ereby, simple adaptation laws are proposed to approximate upper bounds on the norm of the uncertainties to address this problem. stability of the proposed control system is shown in the Lyapunov method. Lastly, a design example for a mobile robot with two actuated wheels is provided and the feasibility of the controller is demonstrated by numerical simulations.
苏教版小学《科学》1~6年级12册教材和12册《学生学习活动手册》已经通过教育部教材审查委员会的审定,在广大教材使用区也取得了良好的效果。为进一步使广大教师对苏教版《科学》教材3~6年级“地球和宇宙空间领域”内容有更准确的把握和理解,本文将从编写教材的知识维度对该领域的内容做一次“盘点”,以便在编者与读者之间架起一座桥梁。  教材内容与课程标准的要求相符合  《义务教育小学科学课程标准》》(以下简
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