时下装饰行业竞争激烈,形形色色的装饰队伍为争抢客源,更是各出奇招。“价格战”就是最常见的招数了,可往往就是一些“超低”价格,导致了设计、施工的草率、马虎,惹出一系列质量问题。 首先是设计质量 业主要仔细审核装饰公司的设计图纸,看看立面、平面、天花、家具等各项图纸是否齐备;注意各项尺寸是否清楚、正确;施工用材是否详尽无遗漏……。这些看完,你才能保证日后的施工有章可循,家居也不会出现尺寸不对、使用不便等尴
With the fierce competition in the decoration industry nowadays, all kinds of decoration teams are eager to compete for customers. “Price wars” are the most common tricks, but they can often be “ultra-low” prices, which leads to sloppy design and construction, causing a series of quality problems. The first is the design quality industry, which carefully reviews the design drawings of the decoration company to see if the facades, planes, ceilings, furniture and other drawings are complete; pay attention to whether the dimensions are clear and correct; whether the construction materials are exhaustive.... After these readings, you can ensure that there will be follow-up rules for future construction, and that there will not be any size or inconvenience at home.