400 m跑最佳的速度分配模式是取得优异成绩的重要因素。短跑的速度是由运动员的步频与步幅这2个最重要的因素决定的。400 m跑时,步幅和步频这2个决定跑速的主要因素,实际上是处于一个不断组合,不断变化的动态过程中。这种不断组合和变化的步态对400 m跑的速度结构有着非常重要的影响。作者通过研究世界高水平400 m运动员的各分段速度、步频、步幅等运动学参数并对数据进行统计学分析寻找出在各分段速度下步频与步幅变化规律及其对速度结构的影响。从而为运动训练实践提供理论依据。
The best speed distribution pattern at 400 m is an important factor in achieving outstanding results. The speed of dash is determined by the two most important factors of the athlete’s pace and pace. The two major factors that determine running speed at 400 m run, stride and stride, are actually in a dynamic, constantly changing, dynamic process. This constant combination and change of gait has a very important effect on the speed structure of a 400 m run. By studying the kinematic parameters such as speed, stride and stride of the world’s top 400-m athletes and analyzing the data statistically, the author finds out the law of stride frequency and stride at each segment speed and its influence on speed Effect of structure. Thus providing a theoretical basis for the practice of sports training.