链接课本 分析考点——中考化学环境考题例析

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在环保的大环境下,纵观近几年的中考化学试题,化学环境考题在其中的比重逐渐增加,中考化学考试的命题越来越注重对学生环保意识的考查,切实地做到了将环保意识寓于化学教学之中,在日常的教学中培养出学生保护环境的意识,增强其使命感和责任感。本文将通过与课本知识的链接对中考化学环境考题进行相应的分析。1.绿色化学绿色意识是其指导,绿色化学的最终目标是杜绝化学污染源,从而保证生产过程以及末端的 In the environment of environmental protection, taking an overview of the senior high school entrance examination chemistry test questions in recent years, the proportion of the chemical environment test questions gradually increases. The thesis of the senior high school entrance examination examinations focuses more and more on the students’ environmental awareness tests, In chemistry teaching, students cultivate their awareness of environmental protection and enhance their sense of mission and responsibility in their daily teaching. In this paper, through the link with the textbook knowledge of the entrance exam chemistry environment test questions for the corresponding analysis. 1. Green Chemistry Green awareness is the guide, the ultimate goal of green chemistry is to eliminate chemical pollution sources, thus ensuring the production process and the end
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