在被称为“中国核工业的摇篮”的中国原子能科学研究院这块沃土上,孕育了一批又一批为我国核科学事业奋斗的科学家。1983年,北京大学技术物理系毕业的柳卫平幸运地踏进了这块土地,犹如希望的种子,从此在这里生根、发芽、开花、结果…… (一) 1962年出生的柳卫平,1979年以优异的成绩考入了著名学府——北京大学技术物理系,从此就与核物理结下了不解的情缘。毕业后他进入中国原子能科学研究院攻读硕士研究生,1986年毕业后留在原子能院工作。
On the fertile soil of China Institute of Atomic Energy, known as the cradle of China’s nuclear industry, a batch of scientists who struggle for the cause of nuclear science in our country have been bred. In 1983, Liu Weiping, a graduate of the Department of Technical Physics at Peking University, was lucky enough to step into the land as a seed of hope, and from then on he took root, sprouted, bloomed and the result ... (1) Liu Weiping, born in 1962, The results admitted to the prestigious school - Peking University Department of Technical Physics, from nuclear physics and thus formed a mystery. After graduation, he entered the China Institute of Atomic Energy to study for a master’s degree. After graduating in 1986, he stayed at the Atomic Energy Agency.