目的 :扼要介绍得一治疗数及其阈值。资料与方法 :通过Medline检索有关英文文献 ,以叙述性综述的方式汇集获得全文的文献中的有关内容。结果 :为预防一例次目标事件的发生而需给予治疗的患者数目称为得一治疗数 (NNT) ,治疗的收益与支出相等或治疗的利弊相当时所对应的治疗患者的数目称为得一治疗数阈值(NNTT) ;NNT =1 AR ,NNTT =1 (VAE1 RAE1 +… +VAEn RAEn) ,NNTT =Ctarget (Ctreat +CAEn RAEn) ,NNTT=(Ctarget+Vtarget) (Ctreat+CAE1 RAE1 +… +CAEn RAEn+VAE1 RAE1 +… +VAEn RAEn) ;得一治疗数与基线危险度、相对危险度降值成反比 ,得一治疗数阈值受纳入的因素、参数估计值的精度等许多因素的影响。结论 :得一治疗数及其阈值作为表达治疗效果的指标不仅贴近临床 ,“直观”地反映了治疗的结果 ,易于应用 ,而且进一步丰富了临床决策的思路和临床决策分析、药物经济学分析的内容。
Purpose: To introduce a treatment number and its threshold. Materials and Methods: Retrieve relevant English texts through Medline, and collect the relevant contents of the full-text articles in a narrative overview. RESULTS: The number of patients required to be treated to prevent the occurrence of a single target event was referred to as the number of treated patients (NNT). The number of treated patients corresponding to the benefits and expenses of the treatment or the pros and cons of the treatment was equivalent to the number of treated patients. Treatment threshold (NNTT); NNT =1 AR, NNTT =1 (VAE1 RAE1 +... +VAEn RAEn), NNTT =Ctarget (Ctreat +CAEn RAEn), NNTT=(Ctarget+Vtarget) (Ctreat+CAE1 RAE1 +... + CAEn RAEn+VAE1 RAE1 +... +VAEn RAEn); The number of treatments obtained is inversely proportional to the baseline risk and the relative risk reduction, and the threshold for the number of treatments is influenced by many factors such as the factor of inclusion and the accuracy of the estimated parameters. Conclusion: Obtaining a therapeutic number and its threshold as an indicator of therapeutic effect is not only close to the clinic, but also “intuitively” reflects the results of the treatment and is easy to apply. It further enriches the clinical decision-making thinking, clinical decision analysis, and pharmacoeconomic analysis. content.