Behavior of a superconducting bulk in a running high-T_c superconducting maglev system(I):distributi

来源 :Journal of Modern Transportation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cy58452
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A theoretical model of describing the electromagnetic and thermal dynamics of high-Tc superconducting bulks in a high-Tc superconducting Maglev system is built up.The model contains the effects of hysteresis-type loss,flux flow,flux creep,and thermal diffusion on the superconducting bulks in the Maglev system.As the first stage of this study,the behavior of magnetic and electric fields,as well as the distribution energy flow density in the superconducting bulk is studied.The results show that the flux flow and thermal diffusion affect the behaviors of the electromagnetic field in the high-Tc superconducting bulks in different ways;however,both of them contribute significantly to the energy dissipation of the superconducting bulks when they are used in the Maglev train. A theoretical model of describing the electromagnetic and thermal dynamics of high-Tc superconducting bulks in a high-Tc superconducting Maglev system is built up. The model contains the effects of hysteresis-type loss, flux flow, flux creep, and thermal diffusion on the superconducting bulks in the Maglev system. As the first stage of this study, the behavior of magnetic and electric fields, as well as the distribution energy flow density in the superconducting bulk is studied. results show that the flux flow and thermal diffusion affect the behaviors of the electromagnetic field in the high-Tc superconducting bulks in different ways; however, both of them contribute significantly to the energy dissipation of the superconducting bulks when they are used in the Maglev train.
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