在高产鲤鱼养殖中,鲤鱼生长所需的各种营养物质主要是从配合饲料中获得的,其中在饲料中添加磷酸氢钙对保证鲤鱼快速生长发育和维特正常生理活动起着十分重要的作用。 养殖水体一般不会因饲料缺钙而影响鱼类生长,因为鲤鱼可以通过鳃、鳍和口腔上皮吸收水体和池底中的钙质。但高产养鲤水体常缺乏磷源,必须依靠饲料外源添加。饲料中的磷源,一是植物子实中的磷,它主要是以六磷酸肌醇钙镁盐的形式存在,由于鲤鱼没有胃,缺乏植酸酶,故不能利用子实中的磷;二是鱼粉
In high-yielding carp breeding, various nutrients required for the growth of carp are mainly obtained from the compound feed, wherein adding calcium hydrogen phosphate into the feed plays an important role in ensuring the rapid growth and development of the carp and the normal physiological activity of the vitamin. Aquaculture water generally does not affect fish growth due to dietary calcium deficiency, as carp absorbs water from the gills, fins and oral epithelium into the water and bottom of the pond. However, high-yielding carp water often lack phosphorus source, we must rely on exogenous feed. Feed phosphorus source, first, the plant is the real phosphorus, which is mainly in the form of inositol hexaphosphate calcium and magnesium salts, because the carp has no stomach, lack of phytase, it can not use the child in the phosphorus; Is fishmeal