扩底墩是一种深基础,它由人工或机械成孔,底部扩大,现浇混凝土而成。目前已在国际上广泛采用,国内也正在迅速推广。主要特点和适用范围扩底墩与爆扩桩、小型机扩桩(桩身直径300~600毫米左右)在形状、施工、受力特点等方面,有些相似、但也有很大不同。其特点是: 1.单墩承载力高。扩底墩墩身截面尺寸较大,直径至少为0.7~0.8米,底部可扩大为3~4米以上,竖向容许承载力可达数百吨,甚至一千吨以上,并做到一柱一墩,不用承台,其特别适用于高层建筑和大跨度柱网工程。一般情况下,单个柱子承重80~100吨
Expanding the pier is a deep foundation. It is made of artificial or mechanical holes, enlarged at the bottom and made of cast-in-place concrete. At present, it has been widely adopted in the world and is being rapidly promoted in China. Main features and application scope Expanded-bottomed piers, explosion-expanded piles, and mini-machine-expanded piles (diameter of about 300 to 600 mm in diameter) are similar in shape, construction, and force characteristics, but they are also quite different. Its characteristics are: 1. Single pier with high bearing capacity. The enlarged-bottomed pier has a larger cross-section and a diameter of at least 0.7 to 0.8 meters. The bottom can be expanded to more than 3 to 4 meters. The vertical allowable bearing capacity can reach hundreds of tons or even more than 1,000 tons, and it can be a column. One pier, no platform, it is particularly suitable for high-rise buildings and large-span column network engineering. Under normal circumstances, a single column bearing 80 to 100 tons