The two-dimensional cellular automata and finite difference (CA-FD) models which are commonly used to simulate dendritic growth are improved. The new model introduces a perturbation function to control the growth of second and third dendrites. In the process of dendrite growth, the concentration of solute Is divided into liquid solute concentration and solid solute concentration in two parts; and in the process of solute redistribution and diffusion using the eight-neighbor difference to reduce the grid shape resulting in solute diffusion anisotropy. In Al-4% Cu binary alloy supercooled melt, the growth of single and multiple equiaxed grains along different preferred directions and the dendritic morphology during the growth of unidirectional and multi-directional columnar dendrites were simulated. The liquid solutes Concentration and solid solute concentration distribution. The simulation results show that the introduction of perturbation can promote the branching of dendrite and control the growth rate of second and third dendrites. The liquid / solid solute calculation model can accurately simulate the liquid / solid solute distribution during dendrite growth. In addition The improved model realizes the competitive growth of dendrite in any direction.