一、概况:西班牙地处西欧南部,全年日照比较充足,年日照时数为1200小时,南部多沙漠、气候炎热,它和葡萄牙有“欧洲乡村”之称,每年有大量水果,蔬菜等输往欧洲各国。 为了使农产品有可能更快地进入市场,西班牙虽有较好的地理和气候条件,但仍重视发展农用塑料。 据西班牙塑料工业
First, an overview: Spain is located in southern western Europe, more abundant sunshine throughout the year, the annual sunshine hours of 1200 hours, the southern desert, the climate is hot, it and Portugal have a “European village”, each year a large number of fruits and vegetables lose To all European countries. In order to make it possible for agricultural products to enter the market faster, Spain, despite its good geographical and climatic conditions, still attaches importance to the development of agricultural plastics. According to the Spanish plastics industry