Confucius and Confucian teachings are the mainstream of Chinese traditional culture and the fou ndation of thedevelopment of Chinese civilization. Its value is not only rec-ognized by the Chinese nation, which has experienced severalmajor cultural revolutions, but also is widely acknowledged bythe contemporary world . With an increase in the many com-mon challenges faced by civilized society today, one Nobel lau-reate even said that maybe humanity should go back 2500 yearsto derive great wisdom and seek solutions from Confucianism.There is a group of Chinese citizens of Malaysia who havetreated Confucianism as their philosophy of life for generationsby respecting Confucius’ dignity, carrying out Confucius’ teach-ings and promoting essential points of Confucian doctrine. Inorder to adhere to Chinese philosophy, they respect Confuciusas a teacher for all ages; and they established the Malacca Con-fucian Association (MCA) 50 years ag o. These overseas ad-mirers o f Con fu ciu s hav e vo wed th at th ey will ad hereunswervingly to Confucian teachings and would pass them onfrom generation to generation.The y ear 2 0 05 is the 25 56 th year sin ce th e b irth o fConfucius. Recently, a Confucius Mansion an d a large-sizedbronze statue of Confucius have been erected at the Strait ofMalacca by the MCA. Therefore, Confucius, the great thinkerof China, has his own home in Malaysia forever. Furthermore,this group of people has a special place in Malaysia for them tostudy and popularize Confucian teachings.Malacca, formerly a fo rtress to rtured by many chao ticyears of war, held a stately ceremony. The minister of the De-partment of Housing of Malaysia (Mr. Huang Jiading), the presi-dent of the Malaysian Chinese Association, other governmentofficers, Mr. Wang Chungui (China’s ambassador to Malaysia),a delegation from Shandong Province led by Mr. Cao Xuecheng(deputy director of People’s Congress of Shandong Province),Mr. Shen Muyu (chairman of Malacca Confucian Association),Mr. Li Jinyou (honorary chairman of MCA) and other leadersof MCA, Malay sian cultu ral an d edu catio nal o rganizatio ns,sev eral Chinese o rganizatio ns, and personalities of variouscircles attended the ceremony.
Confucius and Confucian teachings are the mainstream of Chinese traditional culture and the fou ndation of the development of Chinese civilization. Its value is not only rec-ognized by the Chinese nation, which has experienced several major cultural revolutions, but also is widely acknowledged by the contemporary world. With an increase in the many com-mon challenges faced by civilized society today, one Nobel lau-reate even said that maybe humanity should go back 2500 yearsto derive great wisdom and seek solutions from Confucianism. There is a group of Chinese citizens of Malaysia who have done with Confucianism as their philosophy of life for generations by respecting Confucius ’dignity, carrying out Confucius’ teach-ings and promoting essential points of Confucian doctrine. Inorder to adhere to Chinese philosophy, they respect Confuciusas a teacher for all ages; and they established the Malacca Con-fucian Association (MCA) 50 years ag o. These overseas ad-mirers of Con fu ciu s hav e vo w ed th at th ey will ad hereunswervingly to Confucian teachings and would pass them onfrom generation to generation. The y ear 2 0 05 is the 25 56 th year sin ce th eb irth o f Confucius. Recently, a Confucius Mansion an da large-sizedbronze statue of Confucius have been erected at the Strait ofMalacca by the MCA. Therefore, Confucius, the great thinkerof China, has his own home in Malaysia forever. furthermore, this group of people has a special place in Malaysia for them tostudy and popularize Confucian teachings The Minister of the De-partment of Housing of Malaysia (Mr. Huang Jiading), the presi-dent of the Malaysian Chinese Association, other governmentofficers, Mr. Wang Chungui (China’s ambassador to Malaysia), a delegation from Shandong Province led by Mr. Cao Xuecheng (deputy director of People’s Congress of Shandong Province), Mr. Shen Muyu (chairman of Malacca Confucian Association), Mr.Li Jinyou (honorary chairman of MCA) and other leadersof MCA, Malay sian cultural an d edu catio nal o rganizatio ns, sev eral Chinese o rganizatio ns, and personalities of variouscircles attended the ceremony.