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传统的教学模式是教师提问学生回答,已成为教师教学的传统专利,学生很少有提问的机会。那么,针对这种情况就必须培养学生敢问、想问、会问、乐问的课堂学习兴趣。一、创设和谐氛围,让学生敢问成功的教学依赖一种真诚和信任的师生关系,依赖一种和谐安全的课堂教学氛围,教师一踏进教室就必须把爱心、微笑带给学生,让每个学生真切地感受到老师的爱。在教学中教师首先要 The traditional teaching model is the teacher asked the students to answer, has become the traditional teaching of teachers, students rarely have the opportunity to ask questions. So, in view of this situation, we must cultivate students dare to ask, want to ask, will ask, ask questions of interest in the classroom. First, the creation of a harmonious atmosphere, so that students dare to ask Successful teaching depends on a sincere and trusting relationship between teachers and students, relying on a harmonious and safe classroom teaching atmosphere, teachers must step into the classroom love, smile to students, let Every student really feels the teacher’s love. Teachers in teaching must first