Assets assessment is a key factor in decision making. The definition of reserves classification (guidelines for the assessment of oil assets) enables people to consciously conclude conservative estimates of reserves. Inadvertently, there will also be some propensity (in fact, wrong) Many assessment engineers do not understand the basic statistical processes they use. This article describes two problems that arise from the use of probabilistic methods in reserves estimation. One is aggregating assets, and the new SPE / WPT stock definition clearly identifies this issue, although it does not give much guidance. Can we get proved reserves based on the estimated reserves? Does the exploration of assets affect its reserves? Can we get the proven reserves by accumulating the estimated or probable reserves? Professionals who ask these questions have recognized the differences between these issues The second issue that comes with a hierarchy of understanding and holding different perspectives on best practices is improving accuracy. For the sake of making decisions, monetary values are more important than reserves and how can we get the most value? Prices and other economic conditions are key factors. In the probabilistic reserve assessment, the probability distribution represents the judgment of the uncertainty. The predictions obtained from probabilistic calculations make the assessment more complete and accurate