据有关专家分析,未来15年我国农用车将呈现5种发展趋势。 一、三轮车还有发展潜力 此类车便宜实用,又比摩托车安全,其价格能为一般收入较高的农户所承受。 二、微型农用货车将逐步替代三轮车 农户大都是先买拖拉机,再买货车,然后买轿车。外国农户用车大都是买装载量1吨以下的微型货车。北美大农场,用价高的客货两用车;日本是小农户形式,用廉价的微型货车。我国也是小农户,微型农用货车也开始发展,此类
According to the analysis of relevant experts, China’s agricultural vehicles will present five trends in the next 15 years. There is still potential for development of tricycles. Such vehicles are cheap and practical, and they are safer than motorcycles. Their prices can be borne by higher-income rural households. Second, micro-farm trucks will gradually replace the three-wheeled vehicles Most farmers buy tractors first, then buy trucks, and then buy a car. Most foreign farmers use mini-trucks with a load of less than 1 ton. North American farms use high-priced vans; Japan is a small farmer form, using cheap minivans. China is also a small farmer, and micro-farm trucks have also started to develop.