Discussion on the Information Technology Ability of College English Teachers in the Information Age

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  Abstract:In order to meet the needs of the development of college education in the information age,as also to meet the needs of the reform of College English curriculum,College English teachers urgently need to improve their ability to apply educational information technology.In the process of teaching and research,College English teachers should have three abilities of educational information technology,the ability to process educational information resources,the ability to produce educational information courseware,and the comprehensive application of educational information platforms.These capabilities do not exist independently,but complement each other.Only by mastering them,College English teachers can become more powerful in their work.
  Key word:College English Teachers;Educational Information Technology;Information Age
  Today,more than ever,the role of educational technology in teaching is of great importance because of the use of information and communication technologies.With the help of various applications for distance education,the Internet,teachers,and students themselves,they see the advantage of educational technology.The question is whether schools and teachers themselves are ready for the use of technology in education and whether they are aware of its benefits? This paper is trying to discuss about the ability of educational technology in the College English.
  Educational technology is a systematic and organized process of applying modern technology to improve the quality of education(efficiency,optimal,true,etc.).It is a systematic way of conceptualizing the execution and evaluation of the educational process,i.e.learning and teaching and help with the application of modern educational teaching techniques.It includes instructional materials,methods and organization of work and relationships,i.e.the behavior of all participants in the educational process.
  In College English teaching and learning,there are so many choose from the world of technology:Radio,TV,CD Rom,Computers,interactive whiteboard,real-time multimedia and so on.It is true that there are teachers who use ‘cutting edge’ technology,but the majority of teachers still teach in the traditional manner.None of these traditional manners are bad or damaging the students.In fact,till date they are proving to be useful also.In the other words,these two groups represent a group of teachers between older and younger teachers.Older teachers during their study did not have the possibility of training with modern technical appliances,did not have the information technology,educational technology...while the younger generation of teachers possess the knowledge required for the use of educational technology.For a better understanding of educational technology requires a set of computer science,pedagogy,psychology,cybernetics,informatics...The knowledge teachers possess is sufficient for a basic use of education technology.However,educational technology is one big system.First of all,teachers have a basic knowledge of the use of educational technology.It takes far more professional training through a variety of conferences,courses,professional literature,seminars...in order to get a better knowledge in the use of educational technology.The fact is that under use of educational technology,primarily due to poor school equipment necessary resources,insufficient information and knowledge of teachers and the lack of interest and lack of motivation of teachers to use them.Teachers have to be motivated to use the same because the use of educational technology in teaching provides better interaction with students,better reception of information because the students receive knowledge visual,auditory and kinesthetic way.Among other things,an educational technology motivates students to work independently where the student is more motivated to return to learning and working because modern technical equipment is widely available at any given moment.
  The other problem is that teachers have been using new technologies in the classroom.However,the development and application of new technologies grows as a measure that is the question of whether teachers are trained to keep up with them.Here we have two problems.Are the teachers have the ability to use educational technology and whether the school is sufficiently equipped with all modern technical means? Numerous studies were carried out,some are still ongoing,but we have to find the right strategies to apply educational technology in teaching.
摘 要:国有企业发展运行中重点加强对于政工工作的高度重视必不可少,为了更好实现对于政工干部工作效能的提升,必然需要围绕着各个层面进行全面优化,促使国有企业政工干部工作绩效更为突出。本文主要分析了提高国企政工干部工作绩效的问题。  关键词:国有企业;政工干部;工作绩效  引言  建国以来,国企始终是国家经济发展的重要力量,为我国社会主义发展作出了重要贡献。随着社会的不断发展以及市场经济多元化发展的不
摘 要:近年来,农村电商的发展日新月异,成为政府和企业关注的焦点。经过多年发展,潍坊农村电商的问题逐渐显露。如何从市场、人才、平台及政府角度应对这些问题,成为解决潍坊农村电商发展瓶颈,促进农村电商大发展的关键问题。  关键词:潍坊;农村;电商;对策探讨  近年来,农村电商的发展日新月异,成为政府和企业关注的焦点。从 2014 起,每年的中央一号文件均提及农村电子商务;而到2017年,农村电商更是作
摘 要:我国经济的快速发展,离不开各个部门的监督管理。其中工商管理是国家采取的最重要的管控措施。工商管理的作用是可以维护市场秩序,使市场能够科学有序的向前发展。文章主要从工商管理和经济发展之间的相互关系入手,深入分析和研究工商管理对经济发展起到的重要作用,从而使工商管理更有效的推动经济的发展。  关键词:工商管理;经济发展;市场经济  前言  我国经济的快速发展,离不开各部门的有效管理。在国家经济
摘 要:當前是社会的重要发展阶段,在此阶段中,各项技术也得到整体的发展和提高,其中发展较为快速的技术即是信息技术和科学技术,随着人们收入水平的提高,金融行业也得到了全面的发展和提升,越来越多的人们会选择使用金融行业来提升自己的收入,既然存在交易等行为,所以就需要进行金融监管,目前的监管过程中,可以使用人工智能的方式来进行金融监管工作,提升监管的质量,保证监管的整体效率可以得到提升。  关键词:人工
摘 要:企业能够为客户创造和增加多少价值反映了企业满足客户需求的能力,同时也反映了企业在市场竞争中所占的优势,客户的需求必须在所有物流过程中都最大限度的满足。因为一个优秀的物流企业是可以在物流过程中提高物流配送的质量,因此,为了区别于其他供应商所创造出来的价值和提高客户满意度,从竞争对手中出脱颖而出,企业必须在物流计划、实施和控制上表现优秀,这是去赢得竞争式优秀的不变法则。  关键词:快递;客户关
摘 要:本文主要对事业单位档案管理的现存问题进行了分析,并提出了一些策略和办法。借以提高事业单位档案管理信息化建设的进度。希望这篇文章对你来说是十足的干货,能够帮助到你。  关键词:事业单位;档案管理;信息化建设;对策  在互联网时代,信息海量成为常态。且信息资源更新换代的速度变得更快。在这样的一个时代背景下,事业单位档案管理工作也出现了变化。档案的数据和数量都在增长。事业单位中个人档案是个人信息
摘 要:随着我国社会经济的发展,事业单位的经济管理目标也在逐渐地发生着变化。在新时代的背景下特别是全球经济一体化的二十一世纪,我们国家开始将事业单位的经济管理体制进行一定的改进并且将现有的制度进行完善。同时事业单位也在这样的环境下也开始对自身进行了转变,之所以要进行这样的转变是要保证事业单位可以紧跟时代发展的脚步并且可以和世界结果。就是在这样的情况作用下,事业单位在进行转变的时候需要做好充足的准备
摘 要:目前經济快速发展,导致环境污染在不断加剧。经济发展过程中,企业是推动经济发展的重要助力,同样也是环境污染的重要因素之一,所以在目前的企业发展过程中,为保证企业做到可持续发展,同时达到环保的需求,可以在公司会计的速算中,使用绿色会计的计算方法,合理计算环境与经济之间的平衡点,促进企业的经济发展,并且保证环境做到可持续发展,使经济与环境得到综合提高。  关键词:公司;会计核算;绿色会计  引言
摘 要:电子商务是虚拟交互空间,通过互联网络进行贸易往来,是以信息技术的发展为前提的。电子商务凭借其开放性、全球性、地域性、低成本和高效益等特点推动了国际贸易的发展,改变了传统国际贸易的交易形式。本文将从电子商务的本身特点和现状出发,进一步分析电子商务对我国国际贸易的影响,其中也将不乏有利有弊。  关键词:电子商务;中国国际贸易;影响分析  引言  随着我国近年来经济实力的不断增强,对外贸易的不断
摘 要:长期以来,我国的经济宏观调控都在于需求侧的刺激,需求侧的投资、消费、出口是经济发展的主要来源。因此,我国财税政策的着力点也就落到了需求端上。但是,随着我国经济的不断发展,需求侧的刺激不再满足于经济的发展,为保证经济的可持续性,发生了结构性变化,需求侧逐步转向供给侧刺激。相应地,我国财税政策的着力点也由需求端转移到了供给端了。  关键词:供给侧改革;财税政策  1 供给侧改革与财税政策选择 