近年来,我厂重视科学技术在企业生产经营中的应用,为企业发展注入了生机和活力,尤其重视代表企业科技水准的工程技术人员的再教育,使工程技术队伍素质得到了较大提高,有力地推动了企业的技术进步和产品的更新换代,使企业年年有新产品上线投产,客车产量档次不断提高。88年我们以高起点、高档次,瞄准国际八十年代水平研制生产的 SR—6970高档空调旅游车,一举获得全国客车展评会的“优秀设计奖”和“优秀造型奖”。目前该车已批量生产,倍受旅游部
In recent years, I plant emphasis on science and technology in the production and operation of enterprises in the application for the development of enterprises has injected vitality and vitality, with particular emphasis on behalf of enterprises science and technology engineering and technical personnel of the re-education so that the quality of engineering and technical personnel has been greatly improved, Effectively promote the technological progress of enterprises and product replacement, so that companies have new products on the line every year, bus production continuously improve the grade. In 1988, with a high starting point and high quality, SR-6970 high-class air-conditioned coach developed and produced at the international level in the 1980s won the “Outstanding Design Award” and the “Outstanding Design Award” from the National Bus Show. At present, the car has been mass-produced, much like the Ministry of Tourism