银色住宅升温 开发商如何应对

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在中国快速步入老龄化社会的进程中,老年人的需求也发生了很大变化。一是相当部分的老年人愿意与成年子女分开居住,二是现有住宅的各项设施和功能、配套很难满足老年人身体、心理等各方面的需求。特别是在北京、上海等大都市,许多老人都有一定经济来源,且收入较高。老年人需要什么的养老居所呢? In China’s rapid progress into an aging society, the needs of the elderly have also undergone great changes. First, a considerable part of the elderly are willing to live separately from their adult children. Second, the facilities and functions of the existing residential buildings are difficult to meet the needs of the elderly in their physical, mental and other fields. Especially in metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai, many elderly people have some financial resources and have higher incomes. Elderly people need what pension homes it?
1990年10月17日—24日,哈尔滨市道外区太古住宅小区的居民,因饮用水受污染而暴发了一起感染性腹泻,现将调查结果报告如下。 材料和方法 流行病学材料来源于哈尔滨市区卫生防