余娟教授(美国 Santa Barbara 东方医学院)中医药历史源远流长,“良药苦口”家喻户晓。在现代科学相当发达的美国,近年来在“回归自然”(The MoVement to Nature)和“整体治疗”(Holistic Medic-ine)思潮的影响下,现在也有不少美国人企求用中医药医治病痛。我在明尼苏达州及加州担任中医医疗和教学工作多年,每周诊治患者都在50人以上,感到中医药在美国是有发展前景的。Paul Crain(美国加州执照针灸师)我认为中医中药介绍并应用于美国,前景是相当美好的。美
Prof. Yu Juan (Santa Barbara Oriental Medical College, USA) has a long history of traditional Chinese medicine and is well-known for his “good medicine”. In the United States, where modern science is quite advanced, under the influence of the “The MoVement to Nature” and “Holistic Medic-ine” trends in recent years, many Americans are now seeking to use it. Medicine cures pain. I have been working in Chinese medicine and teaching for many years in Minnesota and California. I have treated more than 50 patients every week. I feel that Chinese medicine has a bright future in the United States. Paul Crain (California Licensed Acupuncturist) I think Chinese medicine is introduced and used in the United States. The outlook is quite good. nice