文章在阐述电子运动补偿工作原理和优势的基础上,介绍了集成补偿装置的50 M 像元 CCD 探测器的设计及研制情况,并对 CCD 探测器的发展趋势进行了分析和预测。由于电子运动补偿具备简单有效、重量轻、可靠性高等独特优势,因此,该技术目前已经广泛应用于 CCD 探测器上。采用集成了该补偿装置的CCD 探测器将会大大提高 CCD 相机的整体性能。
Based on the work principle and advantages of electronic motion compensation, this paper introduces the design and development of a 50 M CCD detector with integrated compensation device, and analyzes and predicts the development trend of CCD detector. Due to the unique advantages of electronic motion compensation, which are simple and effective, light weight and high reliability, the technology is now widely used in CCD detectors. Using a CCD detector integrated with this compensation device will greatly improve the overall performance of the CCD camera.