「吉行 淳之介」1924年生于风光明媚的「濑户内海」之滨的「岡山」市,1927年,随父母搬入东京。其父「吉行栄助」也是一位昭和文坛上知名的作家。 太平洋战争爆发后的第二年,在静冈高校就读的吉行淳之介,开始对文学萌发了兴趣。1945年,考入东京大学英文科,但因家境贫寒,被迫于1947年退学,在一家杂志社当记者,从那时起,他正式踏上了文学之路。1950年,他发表了「蔷薇贩壳人」(《卖蔷薇的
“Katsuyuki Katsuyuki” was born in “Okayama”, a city on the shores of the beautiful Seto Inland Sea in 1924 and moved to Tokyo with his parents in 1927. His father, “KCB” is also a well-known writer in the Showa Denang. The second year after the outbreak of the Pacific War began with the interest of literature at Ji-Hsun-Soon, a student at Shizuoka University. In 1945, admitted to the English Department of University of Tokyo, but because of poor family, was forced to withdraw from school in 1947, a magazine reporter, since then, he officially embarked on the road of literature. In 1950, he published “rose petal” ("sell rose