黄柏为常用中药材 ,其来源为芸香科黄柏属植物黄皮树 Phellodendron chinense Schneid或黄檗Phellodendron amurense Rupr的除去栓皮的干燥树皮。前者习称“川黄柏”,后者习称“关黄柏”其功能为清热燥湿 ,泻火除蒸 ,解毒疗疮。今发现我市有用来自伏牛山系芸香科吴茱萸属植物臭
Phellodendron is a commonly used Chinese medicinal material, and its source is the dry bark of the cork of Phellodendron chinense Schneid or Phellodendron amurense Rupr of Rutaceae. The former used to be called “Huang Huangbai”. The latter used to be called “HuangHubai”. Its function was heat and dampness, purging fire and steaming, and detoxification. Today I discovered that the city is useful for the smelly smell of plants of the genus Evodia from the Funiu Mountain Department of Rutaceae.