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  Honorble judges, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.
  As I stand here speaking English to you, I am already globalized. While shopping, I see the fair Chinese ladies carrying Prada handbags, I find they are globalized. Watching Harry Potter or [The] Lord of the Rings with friends – yes, you can 1)anticipate the 2)refrain – we are all globalized!
  In this era of globalization, we are one way or
  another all globalized. But realize this: when people’s
  heads turn to the fresh things that globalization
  3)literally delivers to our doors, the traditional things which we 4)take for granted are forgotten. So
  consider Lao Qiang, an ancient form of opera. It has almost vanished from the stage and only fewer than twenty people know how to sing it. So, how can we discover and explore our traditional culture? How can we 5)rejuvenate and share them with the whole world? Well, there are three factors we need to keep in mind.
  To begin with, the mass media plays a vital role in discovering our traditional culture and connecting it with the widest possible audience. One evening in 2005, for example, when my father and I were watching the final round of the popular TV show Star Road, we both became fans for a 6)contestant named A Bao. We were attracted by his 7)high pitched 8)tenor voice, his Shaanxi folk tunes and Shaanxi costumes. 9)Apparently we were not his only fans. Star Road has aroused great popular interest in Shaanxi folk music. Such media can help popular audiences to discover lost arts and introduce people to them for the first time.
  The mass media raise the people’s interest in traditional culture, but it is the performing artists who really develop people’s understanding of traditional culture. Yang Liping’s dance show Yunnan Image, based on the 10)primitive Yunnan dance style, has had an enormous influence in and out of China. Yang has recovered for us the primitive life in Yunnan. It is the 11)raw and 12)unadorned beauty of nature in her dancing that moves her audience most. We 13)desperately need professional artists’ 14)endeavor to discover traditional culture, to train 15)apprentices, and to project our culture on the global stage.
  The third 16)strategic factor in promoting our culture in global competition is an audience who knows how to appreciate our culture. But today’s youth – tomorrow’s explorers – are ill-equipped to appreciate our culture. Take myself as an example: I’ve had no painting or music classes since senior high school; no 17)extracurricular activities like Chinese painting or 18)calligraphy since primary school. What 19)paltry little we learn about Chinese traditional culture is 20)relegated to a few lines and pictures in history books. We need our government and school system to give us a better opportunity to 21)embrace our traditional culture and discover its rich legacy for ourselves.
  Ladies and gentlemen, the age of globalization is a time for cultural discovery, not cultural 22)extinction. Our traditional culture needs our concern and support to survive. With our combined efforts, we can save our valuable traditional culture from extinction and showcase it, so it can shine brightly on the global stage, shared and enjoyed by people all around the world!
  Thank you very much!


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