饭来伸手,药来张口,将要变成事实。日本东京大学的研究人员正在建造世界上第一个机器人病房,病人可以自动地得到护理和享受想要得到的东西。这一设计的初衷是为病人和老人提供自动化服务,后来发现这一技术也可以为卧床不起的病人提供服务。整个病房的各种装置均由中央电脑控制。 病房的关键是拥有一个智能床。智能床有221个小型压力传感器,这样可以得到病人活动的记录数据。当病人对传感器施压时,传感器上的电子信号会发生变化,并传送给监视每个传感器的电脑。电脑按所编的
When rice reaches out and the medicine comes to mouth, it will become a reality. Researchers at the University of Tokyo in Japan are building the world’s first robotic ward where patients can automatically get care and enjoy what they want. The original intention of this design was to provide automated services for patients and the elderly. Later, it was discovered that this technology can also provide services to patients who are bedridden. The entire unit is controlled by a central computer. The key to the ward is to have a smart bed. The smart bed has 221 small pressure sensors so that the patient’s activity can be recorded. When the patient puts pressure on the sensor, the electronic signal on the sensor changes and is transmitted to the computer that monitors each sensor. The computer is compiled according to