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广州市社会保险制度改革起步于80年代中期。经过十几年的不断探索、发展,目前已形成了一个按照社会市场经济体制要求,以养老、失业、工伤、生育四大险种为主要框架的社会保险体系。据统计,到1999年9月底止,广州市(含区、县级市)参加养老保险的人数为7284万人,参保率为45.94%,参加失业保险的人数为99.87万人,参保率为49.23%,参加工伤保险的人数为100.31万人,参保率为63.24%,参加生育保险的人数为67.49万人,参保率为42.56%。社会保险覆盖范围不断扩大,今年1-9月,养老保险参保人数净增4万多人。但是,社会保险扩面工作与预期目标尚有较大的差距,养老保险金支付缺口 The reform of Guangzhou’s social insurance system started in the mid-1980s. After more than 10 years of constant exploration and development, a social insurance system has been formed that is based on the requirements of the social market economic system with the four major types of endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance and childbirth as its main framework. According to statistics, as of the end of September 1999, the number of people participating in endowment insurance in Guangzhou (including districts and county-level cities) was 72.84 million, the coverage rate was 45.94%, and the number of people participating in unemployment insurance was 998,700. The insured rate 49.23%. The number of workers participating in work-related injury insurance was 1,003,100 and the insured rate was 63.24%. The number of people participating in maternity insurance was 674,900 and the insured rate was 42.56%. From January to September this year, the coverage of social insurance has increased by more than 40,000. However, there is a big gap between the expansion of social insurance and the expected target, and the pension insurance payment gap
退伍军人如何尽快适应从部队到地方的反差,找到属于自己的事业和生活?汕头两个原本同在一个部队的退伍兵,回到家乡后一边努力寻找工作,一边思考如何创业。 As soon as possi
本研究拟通过对天津市西青区部分高中课外体育活动的现状进行调查与分析,寻找存在的主要问题及原因,并提出可行性建议,为进一步深化我国学校体育改革提供参考。 This study
债转股的处置方式政策 剥离不良资产的范围:按以前贷款分类办法即逾期、呆滞和呆帐贷款,其中待核销呆帐以及1996年以来新发放的并已经逾期的贷款不属于此次剥离范围。 不良资产的处
【摘要】英语作为一门通用的国际语言,是高中学生必修的重要课程,学好英语是高中阶段学习对每个学生的基本要求。在推进新课程改革的背景下,学好英语不仅仅是英语学习成绩的提高,更重要的是英语语言表达能力、应用能力和实践能力的提升。基于此,本文对如何掌握高效的英语学习方法进行了较为系统的分析和研究。  【关键词】学生的视角 英语学习 高效学习 方法阐述  【中图分类号】G633.41【文献标识码】A 【文章
脸色黯淡、头昏眼花、心悸失眠、月经失调等症状都是女性贫血的表现。如果不及早治疗,将会形成恶性循环,引起免疫力下降,许多疾病乘虚而入,健康因此受到威胁。 His face dim