随着铁路建筑市场的逐步规范,铁路工程项目实行招投标确定施工单位,已作为市场化建设的标志性举措被广泛接受。多年来这一市场机制在公平竞争、提高质量、降低造价和廉政建设等方面发挥了重要作用。但在谁中标的问题上,仍有许多非市场因素起了作用。因此,迫切需要从源头上制订客观公正的防范性措施和规范的操作。1 现行铁路基建工程施工招标采用的方法 现行铁路基建工程项目通过招标选择施工单位,大多是采用综合评估法评标。评标价直接采用招标人的标底,或采用复合标底。此种做法一般称为“有标底”招标。 合理最低投标价法,即投标人只要能够满足招标文件的各项要求,投标价格最低的投标就作为中选投标。招标人的标底只是作为招标人自己的一个参
With the gradual standardization of the railway construction market, the bidding and bidding of railway construction projects to determine the construction units has been widely accepted as a landmark measure in market-oriented construction. Over the years, this market mechanism has played an important role in fair competition, improving quality, reducing costs and building a clean and honest government. However, there are still many non-market factors that have played a role in winning the bid. Therefore, there is an urgent need to formulate objective and fair preventive measures and normative operations from the source. 1 current railway infrastructure construction bidding method used in the current railway infrastructure projects by bidding to choose the construction unit, mostly using the comprehensive evaluation of the tender. Evaluation of the tender directly by the end of the tender, or the composite standard end. This practice is generally called “tender with the tender.” Reasonable minimum tender price method, that is, as long as the bidder can meet the requirements of the tender documents, the tender with the lowest bidding as a bid in the election. Tenders bidding only as a tender one of their own parameters