龋病是口腔科常见病 ,患龋率可达3 0 %~ 95 % [1~ 2 ] 。引起龋病的主要因素是细菌感染 ,在牙菌斑的菌群中 ,变形链球菌能在牙菌斑中进行无氧代谢 ,发酵产酸 ,成为龋病的主要致病菌。因此 ,抑制或杀灭牙菌斑中的变形链球菌成为防治龋病的关键。蜂胶是近年来研究较多的天然防
Dental caries is a common disease, dental caries rate of up to 30% to 95% [1 ~ 2]. The main cause of dental caries is bacterial infection. In the flora of dental plaque, Streptococcus mutans can anaerobically metabolize in dental plaque and ferment to produce acid, becoming the main pathogenic bacteria of dental caries. Therefore, the inhibition or kill plaque mutans streptococci become the key to prevention and treatment of dental caries. Propolis is more natural defense in recent years