绥芬河位于黑龙江省的东南部,西依老爷岭,东临边境线,是一座小巧而美丽的陆路口岸山城。绥芬河市虽然只有2万多人口,460平方公里的面积,但它面对俄罗斯远东经济最发达的地区,与闻名的港口城市海参崴有公路、铁路相通,并与纳霍德卡市结为友好城市,利用这些有利的地缘条件,目前,已成为我国新的特区,是国务院批准的沿边开放城市。并将成为商品、劳务、信息的集散中心及多功能口岸城市。 绥芬河口岸站位于市中心,(距中俄铁路分界点里程为7.179公里),是我国滨绥铁路的终点站,与俄罗斯的格罗捷阔沃站相连。这个口岸站一直承担着国际联运、联邮、进出口货物交接和联检业务。
Suifenhe is located in southeastern Heilongjiang Province, West Laoye Ling, east border line, is a small and beautiful land port mountain city. Although Suifenhe City has an area of 20,000 square kilometers and 460 square kilometers, it faces the most economically developed part of Russia’s Far East and connects with the well-known port city of Vladivostok and enjoys highways and rail links with Nakhodka, making it a sister city At present, it has become a new special economic zone in our country and is an open border city approved by the State Council. And will become a commodity, labor, information distribution center and multi-functional port city. Suifenhe Port Station is located in the city center (7.179 km away from the Sino-Russian railway boundary point) and is the terminal station of Bin-Sui Railway in China. It is connected to the Grossevo-Volvo station in Russia. This port station has been undertaking the international transport, postal, import and export goods handover and joint inspection operations.