尿素是目前我国生产的固体氮肥中浓度最高的一种氮肥,其水溶液呈中性反应。尿素除用于作物的底肥外,绝大多数用于作物的追肥。那么,怎样才能提高尿素的追肥效果呢?主要应做到以下几点: 1.根据土壤肥力确定追肥数量。实践证明,对中低产田地块增加施肥量,可以显著地提高产量。对高产田块则保持一般施肥水平即可。一般在施足农肥和化肥做底肥的基础上,以玉米和高梁两大作物为例,在高肥力的土壤上,每亩追施20公斤;在中等肥力
Urea is the highest concentration of nitrogenous fertilizer in the production of solid nitrogen fertilizer in our country, and its aqueous solution is neutral. In addition to urea used for crop fertilizer, the vast majority of top-dressing for crops. So, how to improve the effect of top dressing urea? The main points should be done: 1. According to determine the top soil fertility quantity. Practice has proved that increasing the amount of fertilizer on the middle and low yield plots, can significantly improve the yield. On the high yield plots to maintain the level of general fertilization can be. In general, adequate fertilizer and fertilizers to make base fertilizer on the basis of corn and sorghum two crops, for example, in high-fertility of the soil, topdressing 20 kg per acre; moderate fertility