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如何进行反倾销调查? 根据规定,在采取反倾销措施之前,必须先进行反倾销调查,其目的是核实是否存在倾销、产业损害及其两者的因果关系。反倾销调查由进口方政府当局执行,但反倾销调查的发起必须由进口方境内据称受损害的产业(即生产商整体)或其代表所提交的书面请求而开始。这一规定意味着少数几个生产商要求对某种进口商品进行反倾销调查是无效的,政府当局无权基于这种要求来发起反倾销调查,除非这种要求在提出后得到了有关产业的普遍支持(仍需书面表示)。反倾销调查申请书必须包括反倾销三要素的证据,特别 How to Conduct Anti-dumping Investigation? According to regulations, anti-dumping investigations must be carried out before anti-dumping measures are taken. The purpose of the anti-dumping investigation is to verify the existence of dumping, industrial damage and the causal relationship between them. Anti-dumping investigations are carried out by the government authorities of the importing Party, but the launching of an anti-dumping investigation must begin with a written request submitted by the allegedly harmed property (ie, the producer) of the importer or his representative. This rule implies that it is ineffective for a few producers to demand that an anti-dumping investigation on an imported commodity be invalid, and that the authorities are not authorized to initiate an anti-dumping investigation on the basis of such a requirement unless such requirement is generally supported by the relevant industries after its submission (Still need written representation). Anti-dumping investigation application must include evidence of the three elements of anti-dumping, in particular
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