目的··:了解海洛因依赖者呼吸系统并发疾病的发生率及其与海洛因滥用的相关性。方法··:连续抽取1999年3月 -1999年10月在我院强制戒毒的331例海洛因依赖者病历进行回顾性调查。结果··:331例海洛因依赖者中有呼吸系统并发疾病的178例 ,占53.78 %;吸毒时间在1a以上的有呼吸系统并发疾病的比例明显高于吸毒时间低于1a者 (χ2=24.66,P<0.01);注射方式吸毒的呼吸系统并发疾病的比例明显高于单纯烫吸的 (χ2=6.35,P<0.05)。结论··:呼吸系统并发疾病是海洛因依赖人群中最常见的并发疾患。海洛因滥用方式、滥用时间与呼吸系统并发疾病有相关性。
Objectives: · To understand the incidence of respiratory disease in heroin addicts and its association with heroin abuse. Methods: · A retrospective survey of the history of 331 heroin addicts who had been forcibly detoxified in our hospital between March 1999 and October 1999 was performed. Results: Among the 331 cases of heroin addicts, 178 were cases of respiratory complications, accounting for 53.78 %; those with more than 1 year of drug use had respiratory diseases were significantly higher than those with less than 1 year of drug use (χ2=24.66, P<0.01); The proportion of respiratory system-associated diseases in which injections were used was significantly higher than that of simple smoking (χ2=6.35, P<0.05). Conclusion ··· Respiratory complications are the most common complications in heroin addicts. Heroin abuse patterns, abuse time, and respiratory system complications are related.