
来源 :人民音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kjtx123
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大跃进以来,农民兄弟以气吞山河的英雄气概,征服大自然。在创造了无数旷古未有的奇迹的同时,正以磅礴的声势汇成了壮丽的歌谣创作的海洋。光是四川省叙永县,就创作了九千多首;内蒙古估计可搜集一千万首;在全国则将以亿万计。而未来的创作浪潮,将百倍千倍于今天。首都音乐界在上个月由音协主持,专门座谈了有关“采风”的问题,会上大家一致的意见是:大家记、大家学、大家唱当民歌创作已成为全民性的轰轰烈烈的活动的时候,采风不应该再是少数专业者的事情了,应该成为群众性的活动。并且,必须纠正诗经时代的那种采风办法:只记词不记谱。一定要词曲兼记。当然也反对音乐工作者只记谱不记词或只记一段词的作法。为了便于发动群众,有的同志建议一定要让农村俱乐部突破口传心授的老方法,要学会识谱记谱。这是采风走群众路线的可靠保证。有的同志建议在全国开展一个识谱运动,让工人农民都能记谱:各地举办短期训 Since the Great Leap Forward, the peasant brothers have conquered nature with the heroic spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers. While creating innumerable unparalleled miracles, we are united with magnificent songs and ballads in the sea of ​​magnificence. Light is Xuyong County, Sichuan Province, to create more than 9,000 first; Inner Mongolia is estimated to collect 10 million; in the country will be hundreds of millions. The future of creative wave, a hundred times times today. The capital music community was presided over by the Music Association last month and specifically talked about the issue of “mining the wind.” At the meeting, everyone agreed on the following: We all remember that everyone learned to sing folk songs and became a nationally vigorous When conducting activities, collecting folk songs should no longer be a matter for a small number of professionals, and should be a mass activity. And, we must correct the poetic approach of the poetic era: remember only remember not spectrum. Must song and both. Of course, I also object to the practice of musicians only remembering words or memorizing words. In order to facilitate the mobilization of the masses, some comrades suggested that we must make the rural clubs break through the old methods of oral traditions and learn to write down notations. This is a reliable guarantee for the masses to take the mass route. Some comrades suggested that an awareness-raising campaign should be conducted across the country so that workers and peasants can write down notations
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编辑同志: 《中国民兵》作为我国民兵、预备役部队的一份权威性刊物,多年来坚持正确的办刊方向,用“兵民是胜利之本”传播着国防强音,深受广大民兵、预备役部队指战员和基层
器官移植是临床上治疗晚期器官功能衰竭的一种有效方法 ,但如何抑制排斥反应是其关键 ,因此 ,寻找新的抗排斥反应的药物和措施是目前急待解决的课题之一。高压氧和雷公藤多甙
摘 要 以新课标理念为指导, 结合高中语文阅读教学研究的有关前沿理论, 通过多年的教学实践,笔者提出作为高中语文教师要积极转变阅读教学的教学理念、转变教学中教师角色、探索新的教学方式,最终实现高中语文阅读教学质的突破和飞跃。  【关键词】新课标;教学理念;教学方式;教师角色  新颁布的《普通高中语文课程标准》(以下简称新课标)积极引用最新的教育理念,以“建构主义学习理论”、“对话理论”和“后现代课