Von Recklenghauson(1882)首先描述本病以来,对其认识更为深入.据文献记载,本病可侵及外胚层与中胚层所有组织和脏器,但对其发生于中纵隔并由此压迫呼吸道和血管而引起相应临床表现者,据我们所知尚未见类似报导.为此,将我院所见一例报导如下:患者王×,男性,21岁,住院号:8286,1982年6月18日入院.三个月来感胸闷,气急,活动时更甚,并伴有胸骨后持续性疼痛.无发热咳喘.入院前一月发生口唇紫绀,气急更明显.胸片示中纵隔块影,呈分叶状,以突入左胸为主,拟诊为纵隔淋巴肉瘤,给于诊断性治疗(环磷酰胺1200mg,静注,一周两次).然而,症状未见好转,随后复查胸片发现纵隔块影更为宽大,并在四肢及躯干出现0.5~3cm大小不等的皮下结节,共53个,集群出现于四内侧肢及躯干腹侧,伴疼痛、
Von Recklenghauson (1882) first described the disease, his understanding of the more in-depth. According to literature, the disease can invade all tissues and organs of the ectoderm and mesoderm, but it occurs in the mediastinum and thus oppressed the respiratory tract Those with clinical manifestations associated with blood vessels have not yet reported similar reports to our knowledge. To this end, one case reported in our hospital was reported as follows: Patient Wang ×, male, 21 years old, hospital number: 8286, June 18, 1982 Admission to the hospital. Three months to feel chest tightness, shortness of breath, activity even worse, accompanied by persistent sternal back pain. No fever cough. Lips purpura occurred in the month before admission, more acute air tightness. Chest film showed mediastinal block shadow, Lying in a lobulated form with plunging into the left thoracic cavity, it is intended to be diagnosed as mediastinal lymphosarcoma and given diagnostic treatment (cyclophosphamide 1200 mg, intravenously, twice a week). However, the symptoms did not improve and the chest radiographs were subsequently reviewed. The mediastinum was more lenient and had subcutaneous nodules ranging in size from 0.5 to 3 cm in the limbs and trunk, a total of 53. The cluster appeared in the four medial limbs and ventral to the trunk with pain,