Name is a symbol of a person in society, not only with personal contact, but also with the entire community and the era are closely related. Through the statistical analysis and research of names in a particular era and society, we can get a wealth of information. This article chooses the names of 2010 and 2011 undergraduates of China Youth Politics College as the corpus, and mainly uses the methods of investigation and statistics to study the names of 90 descendants from three aspects. First of all, this paper examines the names of 90 people by name, and finds that the largest proportion of the names of the three characters and the increasing popularity of the names of the four characters are very worthy of attention. Second, the statistics of the names of boys and girls Found in the top ten most frequently Chinese characters and found that the high-frequency words and gender and the times are closely related; Thirdly, this article also statistics out the rare words in the selected material, and on the reasons for the choice of uncommon characters, the problem As well as the solution.